About Me

I’ve always been that quiet, shy introvert who daydreamed often and was only talkative with the right people. I was also that little girl, who used to stare out the window at the birds, making up conversations between them. Little did I know about becoming a writer one day…
Once upon a time, I was that casual reader who only read whenever she found a book at the library that looked intriguing to her, until one day, she decided to take out a few Hardy Boys books from the library… and her life hasn’t been the same since then.
It was the amazing, long-running series of the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew that got me into the bookworm world. The next thing I knew, I turned into a bibliophile, whose shelves are filled. Borrowing from the library is great, but there is just something about buying books that gives me that… pleasurable feeling. No words to really explain it.
I was obsessed with the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew series for a while before starting to dive into other books as well. As someone who suffers from anxiety sometimes and has some minor autistic features, I’m really into books, especially YA, that feature mental health rep as I think they’re very important for giving voice to those suffering from mental illness. Also, I’m always on the lookout for books about brothers. For some reason, there is just something about strong bonds between brothers and/or a close friendship between guys that feels unique to me.
Check out my Book Review blog that features books with mental health/disability rep, brothers/guy friendships, and others.
I should get around to rereading my favorite books someday, but at the same time, I’ve been procrastinating on it a lot as I kind of have that fear of not loving them as much as before. For some reason, reading your favorite book again is never the same as reading it for the first time.
Of course, I’ve always thought to myself that I’d never be a writer, only a reader. Honestly, I’ve always thought that writing a book was impossible and that it would be something I’d never be able to do, even though my family kept encouraging me for it. Then one day, I found myself inspired to write fanfiction for the Hardy Boys. After that, I thought to myself, okay, I can write fanfiction, but never get into original fiction.
Later, I wrote a couple of fanfictions for the movie, Big Hero 6, after falling deeply in love with it. I just loved the beautiful bonding that Hiro and Tadashi shared… it melted my heart.
After writing fanfiction for a while, the next thing I knew, an idea for a novel slowly started building in my head, and I started brainstorming… and you know the rest. 😉
I would love to connect with more readers and writers. Please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear from you!
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Finally, besides reading and writing, I’m passionate about raising mental health awareness.